Connecting people from all over the world with passion for good information is one of the core values of the IIID. Over the years our events have been instrumental in creating this community.
- The “Vision Plus” conference series always provides an inspiring forum for discussion and the exchange of experience and ideas on topical information design issues.
- The IIID Mobility & Transport Forum serves the shared interests of planners, designers, researchers, suppliers, users, transport authorities and educators. It provides a forum for face-to-face discussions on the latest developments and trends and their expected impact.
- IIID Conversations is a series of informal events. As the name suggests, they are conversations as much as talks. The speakers make short presentations of their work or ideas, then interview them and the conversation will open out to include everyone.
- IIID Awards are held every three years with the aim of promoting and expanding information design knowledge and research.