The IIID has been involved in research projects with a particular focus on two subject areas:
- Mobility and transport information design
- Information design education
Mobility & transport
SOMS / In-Safety

Substituting/Optimizing (variable) Message Signs for the Trans European Road Network
One result of this research is the typeface TERN designed by Erik Spiekermann. TERN was specifically developed to enhance long-distance legibility. Austria and Slovakia have adopted TERN as their official road traffic typeface.
TERN typeface is available from design austria
IIID Safety Symbol system

The highly awarded IIID Safety Symbols System, designed by Nora Olgyay, meets the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z535.3 Standard´s image content, symbol design criteria and comprehension testing performance requirements. Prior to its use in other countries conformity with local Standards needs to be checked.
The symbol set covers General safety information, Hazard warnings, Mandatory actions and Prohibited actions.
Safety Symbol Index (Low resolution)
High resoution abvailable for IIID members
In addition, symbol comprehension has been maximized because the individual incorrect responses recorded during previous comprehension testing of the 1991 Z535.3 symbol examples were reviewed in order to assess critical details and qualities which could minimize confusions and clarify comprehension. These considerations were incorporated into the design of the IIID safety symbols.
IIID wishes to acknowledge the pioneering role Nora Olgyay took on in a field hitherto dominated by safety experts lacking design skills and the fruitful cooperation with her that enabled IIID to make the Safety Symbols accessible via its website.
Special thanks also go to Stefan Egger, IIID’s IN-SAFETY project manager, who – before having arranged for the presentation of the IIID Safety Symbol System on the IIID website – prepared Nora’s artwork for conversion into a font and to Viktor Solt-Bittner, creator of fonts like ITC Johann Sparkling™ and FF Danubia™, for realizing the IIIDSafetySymbols.ttf.

Integrated system for safe transportation of children to school
A collection of signs/symbols/pictograms is based on a survey which was conducted to find examples of signs in use, bearing pictograms to identify/signal school buses and school bus stops. The aim of this paper is to provide sufficient background knowledge to derive insights for the planned development of a school bus- and school bus stop pictogram.
IC–IC: Enhancing interconnectivity through infoconnectivity

Enhancing interconnectivity of short and long distance transport networks through passenger focused interlinked information-connectivity, 7th EU Framework Programme – Sustainable Surface Transport.
The project submission by IIID obtained a top score in the “Scientific and/or technological excellence” category with a note that: “The proposal is going far beyond the current state-of-the-art.” and “successful conclusion of the IC-IC work plan would provide a high impact of value to European transport research.”
Contributing IIID members: FH Joanneum (Austria), Attoma (France), Fuenfwerken Design AG (Germany)
idX – Information Design Exchange

Information Design: What information designers know and can do
idX Development of International Core Competencies and Student and Faculty Exchange in Information Design within the EU/US Cooperation Program in Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training
Download: idX – Core Competencies